
One of the most challenging things about life is keeping it in balance.  It is very easy to get things…

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That little voice in your ear, that nudge at your heart, that thought in your mind; where does it come from? It has two sources. One is from you, one is from God. How do you figure out which one to listen to?

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Do you ever wonder sometimes where the resources we need will come from? God is in the providing business. He…

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We have heard the story of Christ, His death and resurrection. We probably know it better than most stories in…

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He is Risen

One of my favorite hymns is “Because He Lives” The song contains many reasons that move us to carry on.…

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We have looked at directions, which way should we go, and connections, who are we going with. This week we’ll…

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I hope you enjoyed the Winter Bible Study. I also hope that we understand some things better. As we move…

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We have come to the end of our Winter Bible Study. We have dug into the passage from Romans 12;…

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