In Memory of a Man of Faith: Reverend Pat Evans 1947-2005

It has been a while since Rev. Pat went home to the Lord. Over the past few weeks he has been on my heart. Pat’s wish was that the ministry he gave his heart and soul to would continue. Pat asked us to continue on with this ministry and we have.
Racing with Jesus Ministries was founded and nurtured by Pat for twenty-five years. He had a vision to bring Jesus to the racing community and to see lives changed by the love of Jesus. He was successful. Racing with Jesus Ministries still reaches the racing community and provides the guidance and teaching only found in The Word of our Lord. Thank you for your vision Pat.
Pat broke down the barriers that existed. He opened doors that were shut and kept knocking even when no one would answer. Scripture tells us to seek, knock and ask and it will be given to us. Pat was tireless in this department. He used every avenue he could think of to reach the racing community for Christ.
Pat could not be confused with being conventional. What he was attempting to do required that you have to do things a little different. Let’s face it, bringing Jesus into the garage area of a race track wasn’t easy. It still isn’t, but because of the work of Pat Evans, Jesus is there.
At Thompson Speedway by the handicappers booth is a large shade tree. Under that tree is a bench honoring Rev. Pat Evans for 25 years of service to the racing community. You see, Pat used to hold chapel services under that tree and a driver, in his recent book, shared that he attended one of those services and it changed his life. It is not uncommon to see a couple of drivers and one of our chaplains to sit on that bench and work through some issues that they have. Rev. Pat is there in spirit. He laid the ground work for such a meeting to take place. We are here because Pat cared so much that he dedicated his life to reaching racers.
Pat displayed a passion for what God called him to do. He didn’t hold anything back. He gave it his all. His life became racing and the friends he had were racers. Remember what we said about passion? When it has the right focus it can change people’s lives. Rev. Pat Evans changed the people’s lives. He was passionate about it and people respected him for it. They didn’t always agree, but they respected him for his commitment to the racing community.
Let me ask a question, do we have the same passion? Does our life display the same commitment to reaching out to others with the love of Christ that it should. Are we living in a way that honors God?
Pat left us with the same charge that Christ left His disciples, go and teach the racing community about Jesus and the love He has for them. Show them His love. Pat followed the instructions that Jesus gave. He wasn’t perfect, none of us are, but he didn’t let his imperfection become an excuse for not doing what God called him to do. We shouldn’t either.
Jesus walked beside Pat the way he walks beside us. Jesus has forgiven us for the times we fall short. Jesus is ready to carry us through the times when we are weak. When I think back on everything Pat gave to us because of his love of Jesus I can see Jesus in him. I can see Jesus walking beside him. I can see Jesus carrying him home.
Let Jesus be your strength. Let Him be your guide. Let Jesus be your Savior. Blessings, Rev. Don.