There are always two sides to the story and the truth lies somewhere in between. There are always different ways to travel and get to the same place, the best lies in the purpose for the journey. How do we know the right one? The one that demonstrates gratitude and encourages. Greeting in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.


We need to be at peace to enable us to encourage others. In this time of Thanksgiving, I wonder, have we been an encouragement to those in our lives? Have we been grateful for the efforts of others?


I have visited many race tracks in my time and have seen many track crews deployed to clean up a wreck and get back to racing. The process is different depending on where you are and the leadership. Some choose to encourage and support, some choose to criticize and critique, and some choose to be passive and just let things happen. If you listen to the track services radio you can tell which style is being employed.


One of the extenuating circumstances that needs to be considered is the goal. Getting back to action on the track seems obvious but I have had my doubts as I watched some crews. Being safe is also another goal and again I have to say I have wondered. Also knowing what must be done in certain circumstances is another, but I have watched the wrong tow truck arrive on the scene. 


There are reasons for all the times things don’t go as planned and I am not being critical, just observing. I know the struggle as I have been the official in the tower dispatching wreckers, fire and ambulance services. It is easier when you can see everything in front of you, but on a road course you can’t. Sometimes you don’t know the whole story until you get on scene. I am thankful for their expertise and efforts.


Does it matter the type of leadership that is used? I think so. I believe leadership that chooses to encourage and commit to do what must be done to get through the challenges is most effective. When you choose to understand that every effort is being made to accomplish the task in as short a time as possible we can be at peace.


That can be contrasted with leadership that takes the road of finger pointing and placing blame. That type of leadership choses to meet the challenge with threats and harsh words. They choose to believe that the effort being made is not good enough, that the workers were somehow dragging their feet and their intent was to lengthen the process. There is no peace here.


Let me ask you, which way do you think is the best? Which way do you think will accomplish more?


Have you been there? I have, three times one year and again the next year we lost power long enough to have to empty the refrigerator. I admit it is very frustrating. As I drove around to see the damage the solution seemed so simple, just cut that tree down, string the wire and turn my power on! I was choosing the wrong way. I needed a more grateful heart.


I then rethought my attitude. I tried to put myself in the shoes of a lineman, Here I am up in this bucket, trying to figure out how to piece back together this puzzle, the wind is blowing and the wires are not cooperating and are difficult to handle. I look down and someone is trying to talk to me.


The first person says thank you for making the effort to repair those lines. I understand that you have been at it for several days on very little sleep and you are doing your best to get this done so you can return to the comfort of your home and family. Is there anything I can bring to you that would make this go easier for you?


The second person, arms flailing, feet stomping, yelling; what’s taking so long, I have been without power for almost a day, my generator is running low on fuel, can you hurry it up. What’s the big deal anyway?


The direction we choose to take as we walk through life speaks volumes as to who we put our trust and faith in. No matter how frustrated and angry we get it doesn’t change the situation, in fact it probably makes things worse. Who do you think is going to do a better job, the lineman that was encouraged and supported or the one insulted and berated?


This is an illustration for all of us, when our comfort and security is taken away, who do we put our trust and faith in? Who are we grateful for? Which road do we choose to walk? None of us knows what tomorrow is going to bring. People’s lives have been washed away, everything gone. Think about it, what would you do? Where would you turn? Who do we choose to put our trust and faith in?



The writer of Hebrews defines faith in this way. In Hebrews 11:1 it says…

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.



When we must choose; experience and understanding are good, but trust and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ are better. He is the only one who can provide us peace in troubling times. He is the only one who can deliver us from the difficulties and challenges we face. That is encouraging.



John 16:33; I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”



As we look around, the life we live is being threatened on all sides. Our ability to overcome these threats is dependent on who we trust. We can choose to respond in two ways; one will lead to peace, fulfillment, satisfaction, and joy. The other will lead to frustration, anger, rage and vengeance.


I want to encourage you to walk down the road that leads to peace. Choose gratitude, the way that leads to fulfillment, satisfaction and joy. That will enable us to encourage others.



Philippians 4:6-7; Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.



Until next time, remember God loves you and Jesus is Lord over Auto Racing! God Bless. Remember, that your prayerful support and donations helps us continue this ministry. Thank You.